Tuesday, June 21, 2016

What's a Ulyssapedia?

Ulysses can be viewed as a spreadsheet with 18 columns and uncounted rows.

This blog will explore possible rows, ie motifs that can be charted longitudinally, revealing hidden patterns.


The meaning of this expression will have to be worked out on the run, unlike the Wakepedia that was reasonably clear at the outset.

The startingpoint here is my Ulysses census, specifically the spreadsheet-column that was meant to list all Ulysses pages on which each character appears or is alluded to.

Obviously that list would be more useful if each pagenumber linked to the corresponding annotations-page, but GoogleDocs can't do that (I don't think). (AirTable can)

So I thought about just linking the first appearance, and then embedding the full list of links on that corresponding annotations page.

But for the most 'popular' characters-- Bloom, Stephen, Molly, Shakespeare, Jesus, etc-- the full list would be ungainly, so I thought of interleaving them like with the Wakepedia... but there's no presumption of most-important-first in Ulysses, so I'm thinking the sorting here will be most 'popular' first. (But this will start approximate, and may need re-ordering later.)

And after dumping in each of LB and SD's home episodes, it's the remaining appearances that hold special interest-- how do they appear to others?

Probably we want to annotate the pages where we learn significant details.

And motifs like hats and tobacco and alcohol may or may not fit in neatly. (Shorter motifs can be quoted in full.)

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